Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Marvelous Mental Medicine~Dr. B. Belts Psychiatric Snake Oil Right Out Of The Park

Dr. Bonkers of the Bonkers Institute has assembled a collection of Historical Psychiatric Mental Medicine/Snake Oil Ads. We'd call them hysterical, but there's nothing funny about tricking people into ingesting insecticides to cure Any behavior which is Not curable, through ingesting insecticides.

Phenothiazines - pesticides - [and more, from heroin on out] as a cure all for every mood comprising the human condition are on display in all their original, and utterly shameless W.C. Fields traveling medicine show sales pitches.

We especially enjoyed this Stelazine Ad. It calls Stelazine a 'Classic Antipsychotic' and advertises that "Some Things Are Hard To Improve Upon" right above a bust of Beethoven. If Psychroaches had gotten their claws on Beethoven's Manic Depressions, they'd have Drugged, Electrocuted or Lobotomized all 9 of his symphonies clean out of Our store of priceless treasures, which Thank the God most Psychiatrists don't believe in, will Still be uplifting people after We're all gone, for more generations than even NASA's computers can count.

'Bad' patients of years ago would trash can their insecticides when no one was looking, because the paranoid bastards thought they were being 'poisoned'.

What a surprise. Those patients were a Hell of a lot saner than the cretins who really Were poisoning them. What those patients WEREN'T being then, [and Aren't being today on the newer and equally Murderous (at 20-30 times the price) Atypical Antipsychotics], was paranoid.

Drug Cos. pass out Millions upon Millions to local Mental Health Boards, [which are by and large a 2 hr. per month parking couch on the front porch for political cronies who know Jack beyond their cut of the Money] University Psychiatry Depts. [who love knowing Jack, because knowing Jack keeps Jack's Drug Money rolling in] and anyone else in the Business of Creating and Selling Mental Illness, to fund 'Medication Compliance' studies: which are a euphemism for re-running the same Drug Trials over and over until simple Random Statistical Variation drops 1 Trial group out of 50 into the Plus hole, and the other 49 Trial Groups into the Memory hole. See HARLOTplc, Getting Your Drug Approved. Harlot was Targeted at Doctors, who know how close it cuts to the bone. And it wouldn't be so GD funny if it wasn't so GD true.

Is it any wonder nobody wants to eat insecticides, and they have to be Forced to BUY them, and eat them? Or that Institutionalized Psychiatry has to sponge up everyone Else's Taxes to buy them, to Force other people to eat them, or inject them into their victims, by Force.

Psychiatric Medications Cure Nothing, ..... Zip, Zilch, Nada, Zee-Row Nothing. They Cure NOTHING, because there is nothing TO cure. Psych Meds are chemical jackhammers. If they Cured Anything, you wouldn't have to consume them for life. Antipsychotics are a LIFE SENTENCE, which will cut your life Short by decades. If you stay on them, or if you don't, you Will risk a Psychotic meltdown. Check the side effects. Dr. B. has those under 22 Worthless Drugs.

Just a few of Risperdal's 1,935 vomitous gifts are aggression, psychotic disorder, and physical assault. It's wonderful stuff. Everybody needs to BUY it, for life, while it's Killing them, and others, and sometimes helping them become 'Mentally Healthy' enough to murder their own children, the way it 'Helped' Andrea Yates murder Her own children.

If your Doctor sent you off with a prescription to your local hardware store, to buy a can of RAID, with instructions to down a teaspoon at every meal, you'd Still be better off than accepting a prescription for antipsychotics, because you'd have the plain Horse Sense to have that Quack SOB arrested and charged with every thing you could pin on that Quack SOB.

But Psychiatrists peddle antipsychotics that cost a Whole lot more than RAID, while they're accepting Continuing Medical Education Grants, [to SELL antipsychotics] Distinguished Investigator Awards, [to SELL antipsychotics] National Institute of Health Funds, [to SELL antipsychotics] and any other monies they can snort up, so that You, are going off to the pharmacy instead of the hardware store, to buy your expensive pill form doses of, ..... INSECTICIDE.

Or how about This Dope Pushing Psychiatric Brain Fart from 1956?

"why is this woman tired
~ because she is mentally "done in." Many of your patients -- particularly housewives -- are crushed under a load of dull, routine duties that leave them in a state of mental and emotional fatigue."

So hook her on Dexadrine. Turn her into a Speed Freak. That will solve All her problems. 50 years ago? It might as well be 50 Seconds ago with ADHD Speed currently being Psychiatrically inflicted on 4 Million Americans, because it's good for their 'Mental Health'. 50 years and Psychiatry hasn't learned a single trick, because you Can't teach an utterly amoral idiot, Anything.

Marcus Tullius Cicero spent 3 tears as Roman Governor of Sicily, and made numerous friends there. Gaius Verres in his 3 years as Governor of Sicily indulged himself in every fraudulent, perverse, and violent excess conceivable, including the outrage of crucifying Citizens. Cicero prosecuted Verres before the Roman senate. He turned his glare past outstretched finger upon the man and demanded of the Senate:

"For what purpose should you keep such a savage and treacherous creature?"

Antipsychotics don't give an owl's hind hoot whether you've been quacked and skulled for ADHD or Schizophrenia. They kill you at either end of the diagnosing spectrum, and ALL points in between. And Psychroaches SELL them for Every BS excuse they can scribble out a DSM Billing Code for.

Hats off and BRAVO to Dr. Bonkers. Go look and get educated Before some 'Mental Health Professional' tries to kill You and Your children with their OPINION, that you're 'Mentally Ill', and They, are Not.

For what purpose should we keep such a savage and treacherous institution?

Read Dr. Bonkers interview on his eye-opening new museum.

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