Thursday, June 19, 2008

Beyond Freedom and Dignity and Reason: B.F. Skinner

Here's a Terrific takedown of a Psych clown who is Still being sucked up as a Master Thinker.

Beyond Freedom and Dignity and Reason: a book review by Roy Halliday

Skinner's thinking reminds us of a frenetic, mouth foaming squirrel, confusing its tail for a walnut in some desperate race to seize that nut to feed its rabid brain's need for immortality through destroying Freedom, Dignity, and Reason. Roy Halliday's deconstruction of this megalomaniacal cretin is not as immediately digestible as a fried egg on whole wheat, but that's not Halliday's fault. Considering the whole Bag of squirrels Skinner was, Halliday has laid out and pegged many of them admirably. And after you quit laughing, remember that Skinner is in part responsible for educating Your kids as rats and pigeons to be rewarded with "Self Esteem" treats, ..... on Your taxes.

And; that those "Self Esteem" treats for adding up 2+2 to 5 "that's Great, Ogelthorp, You Tried So Hard" are the reason Your kids end up understanding that "It's not their fault, it's a 'chemical imbalance' in their brain".

And; that Skinner with his need to expunge Freedom, Dignity, and Reason from All humanity as impediments to an ordered Society, a Pharmaceutically Controlled and Ordered Society, is only One of Psychology's misguiding brain farts.

And; that Psychology, with its kick backed referrals to its Dope Peddling to Children brother Psychiatry, are together responsible for far more Suicides and Murders than the reported FDA numbers we've linked to right here.

Roy Halliday's dissection of this hydrophobic tail chaser is one to bookmark and savor over and again, as you too, revel in Skinner's hilarious self contradictions, of both reason and his own dignity, in his cornered rat desperation to palm those contradictions off as Science: Behavioral Science, the stock and trade of murdering Despots down through history.

"What a maroon. What an ultra maroon."
Bugs Bunny

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