Saturday, March 8, 2008

FEDS Raid Neighborhood Pharmacies

Both the FBI and DEA moved in in San Diego 2 days ago, and removed the legality of selling All Class II drugs from 2 Galloway and White Cross Drug Stores. According to MSNBC NEWS, Federal Law Enforcement grabbed 12 suspects related to allegations involving criminal distribution - without prescriptions - of 90,000 tablets of hydrocodone and 1,600 of oxycodone.

Both these drugs are characterized at as "opiate-like painkillers [that] can produce a fast high similar to heroin and have been used by some as party drugs"

No Class II drugs? Whatever will we do, ... with the resultant threat to National Security, ... when Jack and Jill can't get their RITALIN, ... and public schools erupt in a wash of the dreaded ADHD, ... and it's life wrecking fidgetings?

Dear God, Call Out The National Guard! Get Homeland Security On The Horn, ASAP!

And Thank God, and pharmafraud for tipping us off. ROTFLMAO

Why? Because Pharmacists are Also 'Taking The Money', under the table, while selling $2 generics and charging You for the $200 label brands. The same dirt bag Pharmacists who are selling murder - as antipsychotic 'medications' - for hire. But it gets even better. The charges could earn these dope peddlers 5 years.

Be still my yearning heart.

"Book 'em Dano." And throw the book At 'em.

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