Let's look at what California's DSM-IV-TR 'Mentally Ill' Physicians are being encouraged to go hat in hand to media with by the California Society of Addictive Medicine. As ever, quotation marks indicate the original, and brackets indicate the opinions which this shameless and anything but humble blog espouse, in critique of the original.
"Talking Points and Model Letter for responding to the Medical Board's termination of the Diversion Program"
"From: Tim Cermak, Communications Committee"
Date: 7-27-07
"I encourage every member of CSAM to write your local newspaper to present CSAM's perspective on the Medical Board of California's recent decision to terminate the Diversion Program. The issue is complex; but without our voices being heard, it will be oversimplified to the public's detriment."
[No Tim; The Diversion Program's very existence has been to the public detriment, from its inception. Doctors on the job, drunk or doped up, in the operating room hacking away with scalpels and then qualifying for rehabilitation rather than prison, is very much to the public detriment.]
"Below are some suggested talking points and a model letter, which can be personalized with little effort. Please, make your voices heard."
1. "For 27 years the Physician Diversion Program has contributed to public safety by closely monitoring physicians in recovery from addiction, fully half of whom have entered Diversion voluntarily, before coming to the attention of enforcement authorities."
[Half? Voluntarily? And the other half are Still just waiting around, hiding out? Hoping no one will notice? Until they finally kill one too many patients and get nabbed?]
2. "Budgetary constrictions have badly strained the administration of this program, contributing to deficiencies identified in a recent audit."
[With all the 'partnering' of Big Pharma to hospitals and Physicians under 'research funding and CME grants' which have all but drowned objectivity in treatment regimens under a tsunami of Pharmaceutical corruption; You're saying it's the CMB Diversion Program's Budgetary issues which are choking it out? None of that Pharma money can be diverted into the Diversion Program? To get 'DSM mentally ill' drunk and doped up Physician/drug pushers un-drunk and un-doped?]
3. "By voting to terminate the program altogether, the Medical Board has chosen the most regressive, ineffective and irresponsible course available, resulting in the following:"
"California will be the only state without a Diversion Program monitoring physicians with addiction "
[What California Should be is the 1st State in America to be revoking wholesale the privilege to practice medicine - which the tax-paying citizens of California have in their unknowing beneficence mistakenly - bestowed on the 15-18 percent of their State licensed Physicians who are State licensed alcohol impaired bums in order to send the rest of America a message that this crap is utterly unacceptable, and will no longer be tolerated.]
[If Any non-Physician actually kills one of their customers by being an on the job, bribe taking drunk/doper, in the performance of their job related responsibilities, They, will be Arrested and Criminally charged with, at the very least, negligent homicide. How about a Cop who comes in half soused and blows an arrest by drunkenly blowing away an unarmed, non dangerous jaywalker, or slams his cruiser into a pedestrian while he's DUI? Does that Cop get off with just counseling? Provided that Cop feels like even attending said counseling?]
b. When the only response to an addicted physician is enforcement, problems will become more hidden and it will take longer to restrict impaired physicians from practicing.
[Tim, we're not talking about screwing up an oil change on Your BMW here. Your Owners and Masters - Big Pharma - gross $155 Billion a year, and their 'kick-back' funded sales force, Your Physicians, can damn well get down on their knees and beg forgiveness for being the corrupt, bribed slugs they are, while they're thanking God that they haven't been apprehended and prosecuted, .... yet.]
c. "By relying on enforcement alone, without diversion to facilitate recovery and monitoring, the Medical Board looks like it is taking a "tough on crime" stance while actually taking a more irresponsible stance."
[It's funny how the Federal DEA can spend $2.4 Billion a year to fight the war on street drugs but it can't find 10 cents to go into our hospitals and arrest the bribed Physician dope dealers of FDA approved atypical antipsychotics, which the FDA itself admits are turning people into dead meat and/or Freddy Kreugers.]
4. "Addiction is a medical condition, not a crime. [Not according to Psychiatrists with their psychic Star Chamber, BS-DSM-IV-TR pronouncements and drug inflicted punishments] Enforcement alone is an inadequate response to a public health issue (as reflected in the passage of Proposition 36). The Medical Board's total reliance on enforcement is discriminatory, regressive and ultimately less effective than a more humane and comprehensive response."
[Tim; with the money Physicians make, and the money hospitals charge, you can afford to clean up your own damn messes without passing the cost through to everybody else as taxes, for your Diversion Program that only 'fully half' of your useless, self indulgent drunks, dopers, and mentally disordered Physicians avail themselves of, on everyone else's hard earned taxes: those same useless 'mentally disordered' scumbags who murder 195,000 Americans every year in your hospitals through their sloth, stupidity, greed, and addicted, impaired, mentally ill 'Medical Misadventures'. By Law, in Cal, Each and Every one of Your Flippin' potentially chargeable murders, is Required to be reported to the coroner's office.]
[And out of 195,000 lethal medical screw ups in America every year, on average the coroner in California only hears about Your whining, sniveling, Physician buddies potential culpability in less than 40 of those murders, in California, every year.]
[The AIA [American Iatrogenic Assc.] tell us;
"If the Center for Disease Control’s annual list of leading causes of death included medical errors, it would show up as number six, ahead of diabetes, pneumonia, Alzheimer’s disease and renal disease,” continued Dr. Collier. “Hospitals need to act on this, and consumers need to arm themselves with enough information to make quality-oriented health care choices when selecting a hospital.”
[AND, that this 'Impaired' and criminally irresponsible murdering crap costs US, Your clients, $6 Billion, that's right, Billion, with a B, every year.]
"Dear Editor:
"As a physician practicing addiction medicine, I am deeply distressed by the California Medical Board's recent decision to terminate the Physician Diversion Program. For 27 years Diversion has closely monitored doctors with the disease of addiction, restricting their license to practice until they have demonstrated commitment to undergoing effective treatment. Then, for a minimum of five years, Diversion requires participation in up to seven meetings a week, frequent random urine testing, individual therapy, direct monitoring at their worksite, quarterly reports, etc. It has been a good program."
[It's been a Great Program, for Industrial Medicine's obscenely profitable Image, while only pretending to give a flying duck about the actual welfare of Anyone BUT, your DSM-IV-TR incurably mentally ill, Robber Baron Physicians and their Corporate, Pharma funded/owned, Not For Profit, Teaching Hospitals.]
"After years of budgetary constrictions, the administration of Diversion has been shown to have deficiencies by a recent audit. Everyone can see that Diversion could, and should, be improved. But the Medical Board has decided that "not good enough" means they will wash their hands of the problems. The perfect has become the enemy of the good."
[No, the Perfect, would be Handcuffs and Indictments when you're entrusting yourselves, and blowing it, with other people's very lives.]
"The Board's decision is regressive and irresponsible. It is regressive because California will become the only state that treats ill physicians solely from an enforcement perspective."
[If Physicians - Especially Psychiatrists - are Ever allowed to return to work after being identified with DSM-able 'mental disorders' there has been NO actual enforcement of anything, because each and every GD one of you pompous 'Holier Than Thou' bastards own prescription pads which are even more lethal than a cop's sidearm, and pens which are as lethal as hollow point ammunition is in any of those cop's sidearms, whenever You drunk/doper mentally disordered, blinded by kick back money Physician/Psychiatrists write prescriptions, especially for psych meds.]
"It is irresponsible because enforcement alone will be less effective protection for the public safety. Without a Diversion Program to participate in (fully half participate voluntarily, before coming to the attention of enforcement), impaired physicians will go deeper into hiding. Impairment will have to become more blatant before enforcement intervenes, and it will actually take longer before a physician's right to practice will be restricted."
"Finally, California has lost not only its most effective approach to physician impairment, but also its most humane approach."
[Like the humane approach that murders 90,000 patients every year through hospital acquired infections - out of the 2 Million patients who acquire Your infections - because impaired Physicians, and co-workers, can't be bothered to wash their hands between patients, or going to the john?]
"Addiction is a medical condition, not a crime. By providing doctors a means to deal with their human frailties without harsh punishment, Diversion has returned hundreds of fine [drunken, doped, and mentally disordered] doctors to productively caring for their patients. This program should be improved and run with a deep commitment to quality, not destroyed."
[As medicine itself should be improved by kicking Psychiatry right the hell out of its living room, and into its proper living room behind the neon window signs of fortune tellers and tea leaf readers.]
XXXXX, Member, California Society of Addiction Medicine
NOTE: We encourage every single CSAM member to write the editor at your local paper. Then send us a copy of what gets printed. Take this opportunity to educate your local community about addiction. We would love to report in an upcoming newsletter that over 50 letters have gotten printed! - Tim Cermak, Communications Committee
[Uhhh Tim, ... until you Pharma owned Physicians quit being Pharma owned sales whores, you've absolutely no business hopping up on this stump and whining about not getting tax payer funded preferential treatment, which half of you won't even accept until you get caught, red handed, killing your patients in a state of DSM-IV-TR forever incurable mentally disordered impairment, Especially while you self indulgent deadbeats are Still, embracing the criminal fraud and quackery of bio-based, bribe taking, poison pill pushing, life wrecking skunk spraying Psychiatry as one of your 'medical' own.]
[Clean up your plate and eat your Zyprexa, Risperdal, Seroquel, before you go begging for a free tax payer funded ice cream.]
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