"For What Possible Use Should You Keep Such A Treacherous And Savage Creature?" Marcus Tullius Cicero
Monday, February 4, 2008
Federally Funded Perverts, Racists, and Murderers
Psychiatry is not medicine.
Psychiatry is not science.
Psychiatry is philosophy: the philosophy of NAZIs, proto-NAZIs, Marxists, pederasts, Malthusian Social Darwinists, and Eugenicists.
Psychiatrists tag and destroy black people as schizophrenics 4 times more often than white people. Psychiatrists tag and destroy hispanic people as schizophrenics 3 times more often than white people.
Language is revealing. Psychiatrists refer to themselves not as physicians or healers but as ‘Clinical Investigators’, which is a functional ringer for the older term ‘Papal Inquisitors.’
Every time a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, social worker, or any other ‘mental health/behavioral’ professional couples the words science or medicine to whatever they do, they are lying.
Since they are overwhelmingly tax-payer funded liars, they belong in a Court of Law charged with defrauding the tax-payers.
Mental Illness is the only illness recognized by insurance carriers, Courts, and Law Enforcement, which cannot be recognized by pathologists on an autopsy table.
The physical brain damage, central nervous system damage, and damage to damn near every system in a human body directly caused by Psychiatry’s bag of “Symptom Reducing Medications” are, however, so glaring that a 1st year forensics student couldn’t miss them, blind, unsupervised and dead drunk with the lights out.
Let’s look at just one of psychiatry’s wonder drug, symptom reducing, ‘medications’. This brain damaging substance is from Janssen Pharmaceutica: a wholly owned subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson: the Band-Aid & Q-Tip people. It’s called Risperdal.
Dustin McDaniel is the State Attorney General of Arkansas. Dustin McDaniel is suing Janssen/J&J for $600 Million, because of Risperdal. AG McDaniel is not alone among State Attorney Generals in suing Janssen/J&J, because of Risperdal.
In California Risperdal comes with State Police registration, [along with the permanent brain and central nervous system damage mandatory in the other 49 states] due to its side effect 'Akathisia', which, back in 1985, was linked to the commission of violent homicides. Risperdal is FDA approved only for Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder Type 1, and Autism in kids. Psychiatrists can and do inflict Risperdal for anything they please.
Heinrich just wanted you to know that everything's fine, and that you Should worry, because he's personally keeping an eye on the state of the State, and every last one of you wild and crazy kids who've been Risperdal-ed because your useless, idiot excuse for a public school teacher is such a 55 gallon drum full of boring, PC swill, that you got bored in class, and fidgeted.
Go To: http://psychrights.org/index.htm
It's a huge free site: no registration, no charge.
Download: Allen Jones' Full Whistle-Blower Report on Drug Company
influence on states' drug purchases. It's the bottom item on the index
Click on Scientific Research by Topic, and on the next page: click on
neuroleptics. Download: The case against antipsychotic drugs: a 50
year record of doing more harm than good. by Robert Whitaker.
Risperdal is a derivative of insecticide. Read Appendix A [A timeline of neuroleptics/1883-2003] from Whitaker's 50 year record. That should resolve anyone's doubts, unless you happen to BE a psychiatrist, taking bribes to prescribe this virulent poison.
Let's define terms. Risperdal is poison. All antipsychotic drugs are poison.
The Oxford English Dictionary is The current accepted expert on the English language. The OED defines poison as 'a substance that causes death or harm when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism.' Suicides and Homicides are on record as being the result of ingesting these poisons.
The FDA's Med Watch program received 4,956 individual reports of Risperdal as the prime culprit in 1,935 different adverse drug reactions in the period 2004-2006. 8 Homicides, 51 suicides and 367 deaths not from suicide were among those adverse reactions. Some accounts put the number of reports even reported to the FDA of adverse reactions down as low as 1%-10% of the total adverse reactions.
An Acceptable Tradeoff?
But don't these crazy bastards need to be drugged to keep them from attacking even more other people, anyway? The answer is NO.
One line from 1985 - the same year that violent homicides were linked to antipsychotic poisonings of the mentally 'ill' - from the American Journal of Psychiatry [142:593-599, 1985] sums it up.
"The patterns of crime for mentally disordered persons and for not-mentally-disordered-persons were substantially similar."
Further studies trot out that 'prior hospitalization' is the sole valid predictor of the mentally 'ill' being arrested in greater numbers than the supposedly non mentally 'ill'.
Given the devastation antipsychotics wreak on people, and the shock of being told they are no longer fully human, their brain is broken, is it any wonder psych hospitals are far more destructive than helpful, not just to the patient, but to society?
There will always be a certain percentage of folks who just don't 'get it' and are going to be violent regardless of their 'strange thinking.' The mentally 'ill' only join their ranks, AFTER being brain damaged with psych drugs, and dehumanized with dehumanizing labels.
I Didn't Know they Piled Crap That High.
The DSM-IV-TR is the psych industry bible for legislatively condemning thinkers of strange thoughts. The DSM-IV-TR is a bought and paid for marketing tool for drug companies.
Go To: psychrights.org/research/Digest/Science4Sale/DSM-Conflicts-of-Interest-2006.pdf
If that URL won't do it, use the psychrights.org site's search function and enter Cosgrove and Krimsky. The financial conflicts endemic in Psychiatry are so glaring, that the industry itself has virtually NO credibility.
95 (56%) of the 170 panelists responsible for this Necronomicon of horse hockey have well-documented, sticky fingers whenever they get even a whiff of drug co. money. And that's being overly charitable to them, as the lead authors of the study – Lisa Cosgrove and Sheldon Krimsky - specifically excluded consultancies and honorariums from Pharma to shrinks as even being counted as COIs.
Psychiatrists routinely tag, bag as incurably mentally ill, and poison their victims under these and more asinine ruses to bilk insurance carriers.
Open the windows and ready the canned air freshener, before reading further.
From: http://www.psychdisorders.org/DSMsRidiculousLabels.html
* Bad writing and its symptom, poor handwriting-- Disorder of Written Expression (billing code 315.2)
* Coffee drinking -- Caffeine Addiction (billing code 305.90)
* Sleeplessness after too much Coffee-- Caffeine Induced Sleep Disorder (billing code 292.89)
* Jet Lag -- Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder (billing code 307.45)
* Smoking -- Nicotine Dependence (billing code 305.1)
* Quitting Smoking -- Nicotine Withdrawal (billing code 292.0)
* Any mood disturbance due to General Medical Condition (billing code 293.83)
* Snoring -- Breathing Related Sleep Disorder (billing code 780.59)
* Teenage staying out late at night and intimidating others -- Conduct Disorder (billing code 312.82)
* Teenage Rebellion -- Oppositional Defiant Disorder (billing code 313.81)
* Disruptive Behavior Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (billing code 312.9)
* Unable to sleep-- Insomnia (billing code 307.42)
Snoring? Goodbye Constitutional rights, hello State Police, Risperdal Brain damage, and homicide. It's happening as you read this: for coffee, cigarettes, snoring, insomnia, and General Medical Conditions: in Doctors offices, school counselors offices, and tax-funded community mental health centers all over this country, and all without anything resembling full disclosure, which is illegal, for money. A great deal of that money is illegal kickbacks, and the paperwork instruments for denying it's an illegal kickback, scream just like lipstick on a shirt collar.
A Duck Hunter’s Delight
The original DSM Phineas T. Barnacle pantload uttered its birth quack in 1952. Volume II - the notes scribbled by one Robert Spitzer - waddled its way up out of the toilet in 1968. Both were largely ignored by society, except for gay rights activists who blew a gasket and forced the DSM-ers to get their filthy claws off of their gay lives as being mentally 'ill' lives.
In 1974, after winding Roger Peele and Paul Luisada's paper on 2 'hysterical psychoses', Spitzer hopped a plane to D.C. Alix Spiegel in his article 'Dictionary of Disorder' from The New Yorker Mag. Jan. 3, 2005 described the trophy of Spitzer's grisly hunt thusly:
"those who suffered from extremely short episodes of delusion and hallucination after a major traumatic event, and those who felt compelled to show up in an emergency room even though they had no genuine physical or psychological problems."
Within 40 minutes Spitzer, Peele and Luisada, on their own authority,
had set Americans born in freedom on the highway to permanent, lifelong hell and into 1980's DSM III as incurably mentally 'ill' even though they had no genuine physical or psychological problems. DSM Volume III R slammed its repressive Iron Curtain down on America and the world in 1987.
So who is this Robert Spitzer?
By fifteen Bob had discovered girls, and discovered they didn't find him worth discovering. Enter Wilhelm Reich, one of the zaniest fakirs to yet pimple psychiatry's crater pocked and airless, crackpot landscape.
Reich was a communist and Freudian who Barnacled his suckers with Orgone accumulators. Orgone rays - which Reich alone had discovered - permeated the atmosphere and were a sure all fixative for everything from dandruff right on down to Bob's limp complaint.
Reich had built refrigerator sized, iron, Orgone accumulators and made beer money scamming folks to sit in them while soaking up Orgone. Little Bobby Spitzer, the future dean of mental 'illness' diagnosers, at fifteen forked over a fiver a week to sit in one while moaning to a Reichian therapist about not 'getting any' and found the experience of whining about not 'getting any' to be 'soothing and invigorating.'
Reich himself ended his days in the Federal slammer for violating an FDA order to quit interstate transporting Orgone accumulators. Apparently Orgone accumulating neither soothed nor invigorated Bobby into 'getting any' because it was the dime that a disenchanted Bobby later dropped to the FDA which got Reich slammed into Uncle Sam's refrigerator. And not a moment too soon.
Here's another pained squint at ole Bobby culled from Spiegal's article.
"At Columbia Psychoanalytic, however, Spitzer's career faltered. Psychoanalysis was too abstract, too theoretical, and somehow his patients rarely seemed to improve. "I was always unsure that I was being helpful, and I was uncomfortable with not knowing what to do with their messiness," he told me. "I don't think I was uncomfortable listening and empathizing--I just didn't know what the hell to do." Spitzer managed to graduate, and secured a position as an instructor in the psychiatry... "
Securing people skills was a skill Spitzer never did get secured.
Bobby's obsession became creating one debilitating disease after another based on what essentially was another limp biscuit punctuated by occasional shouting matches at the last DSM gathering of 'on the take' diagnosers. Bob scribbled session notes and scuttled off to his typewriter to enshrine the opinions of the loudest shouters, and time out, head scratchers, who - to Bob - "seemed" to know what they were on about.
Notes on who fired which torpedo into the many and various ships of mental liberty's fleet are scarce, because leaving evidence behind, due to having no scientific evidence to torpedo folks with in the first place, is psychiatry's single, profitable, murky pole star.
Opinions are a matter of free speech. Psychiatry's opinions deny not only free speech falling outside psychiatry's arbitrarily, opinion arrived at indices of accepted normalcy, but denying even free thought. And psychiatry's diagnostic criteria are all psychiatrically derived from the opinions of other psychiatrists; which is why their malpractice premiums are the lowest of all physicians. Proving that you weren't done in with smoke and mirrors is a tough sell, when psychiatric opinions are accepted in a court of law as evidence of an 'ill'ness, which you might succumb to again at any moment.
If you're confused enough to have anything to do with any of these quackers, your own John Hancock is your most valuable lifeline. Never surrender it for just a promise in return. These quackers are furiously self indemnifying Civil Rights thieves, and their most closely guarded secret is that most people wake up in the middle of being snookered out of their money and right to recover it, and sadly all too often, their irreplaceable Civil Rights themselves.
While no guarantee, if you do sign on to sign on, the very transparency of their self-indemnifying document Matterhorn might, in the hands of Mr. Barrister, later on, for a fee, haul you back up from the darkness of 'illness' opinions. So prioritize.
1: Don't do it.
2: Don't sign it.
3: Get copies, or Walk Out.
4: You Didn't Read #3YET!
5: In the words of Harry S. Truman "It's always a damn shame when Anybody dies."
Allen Frances - The committee appointing Parade Grand Marshall of the DSM-IV-TR diagnosers - says Spitzer's emotional myopia has benefited him in his chosen career: "He doesn't understand people's emotions. He knows he doesn't. But that's actually helpful in labeling symptoms. It provides less noise."
Here's Spitzer in his own words on this current DSM-IV-TR and its hellish freedom bashing labels: "My fingers were on the typewriter that typed those. They might have been changed somewhat, but they all went through my fingers. Every word." And Bobby's proud of it, Every word of it. And all of it 'Orgone': devoid of any shred of science to back it up.
So would you buy an 'illness' and treatment for it, from this man, or any of his cohorts?
Would you drop a dime/depth charge on this man, or any of his cohorts? They ain't going away on their own.
Since schizophrenia is the most severely debilitating label any poor bastard can get cut with, and schizophrenia pills are the most profitable pesticides these drug co. snakes make [$34.4 Billion globally in 2006] I've been researching the infinite inconclusions of the 7 DSM-IV-TR schizophrenia panelists in their tax and grant funded biological/genetic models of mental illness 'Research'. Cosgrove and Krimsky researched all 7 onto paper, on the take.
Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders Work Group
Nancy Coover Andreasen, M.D., Ph.D. Chairperson
John M. Kane, M.D. Vice-Chairperson
Samuel Keith, M.D.
Kenneth S. Kendler, M.D.
Thomas McGlashan, M.D.
Schizophrenia Text Revision
Michael Flaum, M.D. Co-Chairperson
Xavier Amador, Ph.D. Co-Chairperson
I've read their bio/genics research-supposings, and all they're absolutely certain of, after the Billions they've already pissed away, is that they need Billions more. Google them yourself. They can't definitively nail down even the last Oreo in a cookie jar, but the last dollar in everyone else's wallet is a whole different tune.
Andreasen told a reporter [on her ties to Pharma money] that "I'd have to check my tax returns. What I do know is that I do almost nothing with drug companies. My area of research is neuroimaging, not psychopharmacology."
Nancy's area of research isn't psychopharmacology.
Neither was Lizzie Borden's.
Astrazeneca makes Seroquel: their own version of Risperdal.
Nancy's moniker squats directly beneath the Astrazeneca banner as one of a six member panel on 'Young Minds in Psychiatry'. This panel fixes US disbursement from Astrazeneca's coffers of individual $45,000 awards for 'career advancement'. There's a 2nd panel tasked with greasing out the $45K to Seroquel prescribers, researchers, widgets and whatchamacallits outside the US.
"The APA [Amer. Psychiatric Assc.] and Astrazeneca reserve the right to use the researcher's [recipient/whatchamacallit's] name and institution name for public relations purposes."
The APA has 40,000 dues paying members. 30% of its income is paid pharmaceutical advertising. The APA publishes the American Journal of Psychiatry [AJP]. Nancy has been the AJP's Editor Emeritus Perfectus for 13 years.
Short of physical brain damage - which all psych meds cause - NO autopsy has ever found a sub atomic smidgin of mental 'illness', but you don't need an autopsy to find that:
The DEA fights the war on drugs with $2.4 Billion annually.
Big Pharma knocks down $155 Billion annually.
Medicaid and Medicare constitute $632 Billion annually.
Inquiring minds want to know
In January 1996 this particular paragon of moral and fiscal impeachability (Clinical Investigator I.D. # 413620) was assigned her own 3 point FDA investigation.
1: 21 CFR 312.60 [Failure to follow investigational plan]
2: 21 CFR 312.62 [Inadequate and inaccurate records]
3: unspecified and listed only as code 18 N/A at the FDA website
She then streaked on straight through the goal posts to victory dance $10 million more in research funding out of the National Institute of Health alone between 1997-2000.
Here's a pearl from Astrazeneca's Seroquel site.
The Basics of Mental Illness
"Unfortunately, fewer than 8 million of the more than 54 million Americans who suffer from mental illness seek needed medical treatment.
With the right medicines and professional therapies, many people with
mental illness will notice reduced symptoms."
AZ wants us to know it's 'unfortunate', that they can't help each and every 1 out of every 5.5 of us to ‘notice reduced symptoms', ... in trade for brain damage, CNS damage, diabetes, pancreatitus, suicidal and homicidal acts, just plain flat out death from all manner of causes, and every red cent Astrazeneca can squeeze out of private, State, and Federal health insurance providers.
Astrazeneca's CEO David Brennan was notified in March 2007 that Congressman Henry A. Waxman as Chairman of the US House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform was 'Requesting' what amounted to an electron microscope examination of every scrap of Seroquel info anyone at Astrazeneca possessed world wide relating to:
study authors and physicians, number of participants, dates, summary of methodology, findings and conclusions, any marketing dept. funding or support, monies to study authors, physicians or participants, copies published at major medical meetings, if not why not, documents given the FDA, hiding of negative data, Why they hid the negative data, early termination of trials, names of trial participants, and more, along with a 'Request' that Astrazeneca not destroy or modify an electron's worth of any of it.
A 'Request' from Congress is a 'Request' in the sense of 'Comply.'
Nancy holds Professorships at U. Iowa and the U. New Mexico MIND Institute.
From: American Journal of Psychiatry 163: January 2006
Editorial praising Nancy, by Robert Freedman
"She is especially proud of the homes she has created in both places. One overlooking the rolling fields of Iowa, and the other in an arroyo in the desert outside Sante Fe. There, she may linger over a rare single malt scotch-because every aspect of Nancy's life reflects the seeking of excellence."
She created? On whose money? My Dictionary doesn't list seeking under achieving. Neither does my thesaurus.
",.... and her evidence for structural brain pathology in schizophrenia are cornerstones of our conception of schizophrenia."
Ain't it nice to know the APA thinks so much of Spanish speaking folks, and their poor, defective genetics which leave them 3 times more susceptible to this Blueler A'hole's 100 old Schizophrenia, that the APA publishes a whole magazine in Spanish, just for those poor, defective, weak brained Spanish speakers?
You bribe taking, rascist, APA'holes.
Earth to Freedman, ... Earth to Freedman, ... Come in Freedman, ... Uhhh Freedman, listen up. There Ain't no structural brain pathology, until you conception generators cornerstone folks with your 'medications'. You've been running that obscenely expensive balloon up everyone's flagpole for a number of obscenely expensive decades, and in 2003 you got called, and Royally pantsed on it.
see appendix A
BTW: In a tribute to the APA’s ongoing commitment to self-aggrandizement and flat out butt-covering, this particular Freedman was scheduled as of Jan. 2006 to replace the Nanster as Editor of Nan’s own AJP. I wonder if he’ll get a ‘Training Grant’ from NIH to help him Train to become an editor?
In 2003 NIH handouts, the Training grants to Iowa were:
27 Grants for Training $6,558,157.00
Nancy's personal 1/3 of 3 Neuro Training Grants totaling $510,212 was
Training to neuroimage for Schiz. costs a 1/4 Mill, before you can actually neuroimage for Schiz.
This one's just too cute: $251,053.00 went for Training in 'Mechanisms of Parasitism.' At least Parasitism actually HAS a place in medical science.
The actual imaging, once they've blown a quarter mill gearing up, is a bit more.
In 1992 the NIH handed Nan 4 Awards $1,998,219.00
In 1993 the NIH handed Nan 5 Awards $2,518,408.00
In 1994 the NIH handed Nan 5 Awards $2,737,473.00
In 1995 the NIH handed Nan 5 Awards $2,913,534.00
In 1996 the NIH handed Nan 5 Awards $3,118,021.00
In 1997 the NIH handed Nan 5 Awards $3,202,780.00
In 1998 the NIH handed Nan 4 Awards $2,282,706.00
In 1999 the NIH handed Nan 6 Awards $2,412,744.00
In 2000 the NIH handed Nan 6 Awards $2,888,069.00
In 2001 the NIH handed Nan 5 Awards $2,997,578.00
In 2002 the NIH handed Nan 4 Awards $2,310,037.00
In 2003 the NIH handed Nan 4 Awards $2,066,857.00
In 2004 the NIH handed Nan 3 Awards $1,480,891.00
In 2005 the NIH handed Nan 4 Awards $1,912,926.00
In 2006 the NIH handed Nan 4 Awards $1,481,088.00
In 2007 the NIH handed Nan 3 Awards $1,709,162.00
Total? Only the Shadow knows, because Health and Human Services is part of the intentional funding obfuscation as of recent years. Go to NIH. See how long it takes to find the payouts among the 999 pages on how to sink your own choppers into everyone else's wallet. For this $38,030,493.00 what do we have? Besides 15 years of Image [ing], and promises that Research offers hope and must continue.
Oh, what the heck. Try it yourself.
And did she finally find this horrid villain Schizophrenia in 2007? And will Seroquel, Risperdal, Zyprexa, or any of these other brain damaging poisons Pharma sells cure it in 2008, without the corpses and cripples they've been creating with these same poisons for decades now? At least they're still training, and neuroimaging, and selling.
Medicine's big on Interdisciplinary Research, so just what might these Parasitism Researchers glean from the Schizophrenia Neuroimagers/Researchers/hoping to become $45K Award Winning Astrazeneca whatchamacallits, over at Nan's place, and all over America?
Would you drop a dime on this Award Winner? She ain't going away on her own.
Risperdal maker Janssen, at their site, offers info on how you too, with the proper credentials of course, might become lucky enough, all on your own nimble fingered initiative, to partake of their financial beneficence under the headings of CME [Continuing Medical Education] and possible Fellowships. Pay them a visit and download your own copies, including the application forms, before Janssen runs out. They're free, right along with everything else that's free from Janssen's Risperdal. Then go visit the rest of these fine and crafty manufacturers of finely crafted poisons, and collect the whole set.
They have loads of pictures of happy, smiling people from tiny little kids to Grandma, and enough buried treasure to keel Long John Silver, and your pharmacist too, flat, in a cold sweat ecstasy. Start your treasure hunt today, because those treasures make swell gifts.
Perhaps your Congressmen, Federal and State, State Attornies General, local Govt. officials, and everyone on down to dogcatcher might like to have their own set. And if they don't, or pretend they don't know what to do with them, perhaps they would like to hear about your voting plans come next election.
McGlashan, [as of 2002] was actively poisoning American thought crime misdemeanants with Zyprexa, under the rubric of researching antipsychotic poisons [Zyprexa] effectiveness in heading/poisoning off felony level thought crimes 'at the pass'.
"McGlashan and his colleagues first recruited subjects for their trial at four sites .... via clinicians, radio ads, and other means. Eventually they identified 60 subjects between 12 and 45 years (the average age was 16 years) who had prodromal symptoms as determined by interviews [psych-speak for you talk, we listen and DSM you as 'ill'] and rating-scale measures that the Yale team had developed and who did not yet meet DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia.
"... , most of the subjects had become suspicious of other people."
'You talk, we listen, and DSM you as 'ill'.
Apparently, McGlashan couldn’t find anything more of use in Andreasen’s $30+ Million worth of ‘Scientific’ Neuroimaging to use in his diagnoses of mental ‘ill’ ness, than the rest of us can.
The only Science in any of this research is the criminal science of Fraud, in getting everybody else to pay for it.
I wonder why at an average age of 16 McGlashan's subjects might become suspicious.
McGlashan's study was funded by Eli Lilly: makers of olanzapine/Zyprexa.
Lilly has paid out $1.2 Billion in damages to its Zyprexa victims in the last 3 years.
Zyprexa is FDA approved to treat schizophrenia: Not, prodromal symptoms - [you talk, we listen, and DSM you as 'ill'] - which Might [you talk, we listen, and DSM you as 'ill'] talk their way into DSM billable schizophrenia. Listening this poison into people for speaking anything not officially, narrowly FDA approved as poisonable for, is Still legislatively allowed.
Congressman Waxman sent Eli Lilly's CEO Sidney Taurel his own Congressional 'Request'; also dated March 1, 2007 which is damn near a carbon copy of the 'Request/Rocket' he fired right up Astrazeneca's corporate assets.
under: Languages
(Reading, Writing, Speaking)
English: (Fluent, Fluent, Fluent)
Dear McGlashan; FYI: The Oxford English Dictionary is Still, The current definitive expert on the English language, no matter How 3 times fluent you are, and it Still defines poison as: 'a substance that causes death or harm when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism.' Check it out sometime, Soon, along with the Hippocratic Oath:
'First do no harm, [or death] to the [16 yr. old] patient.'
Would you drop a dime on this man? He ain't going away on his own.
For more on this joker, and his abominable research, see AHRP and their coverage.
From: http://www.northshorelij.com/body.cfm?id=2668
Heeeeere's Johnny, co-chairperson Kane. In fairness to Kane, this page appears to have been penned by somebody else, but since Kane's mug is on it, and he hasn't had his people collar the perps, I gotta prodromal [ly] symptom [atically] diagnose that he's OK with it.
What a vein of 24 karat waffle this one is.
"John M. Kane, MD, is an international authority on schizophrenia treatment and research. He played a pivotal role in developing clozapine for use in treatment-refractory schizophrenia with funding from the National Institutes Of Health (NIH), he and his team have continued to study the role of clozapine in less severely ill patients and in children and adolescents with early-onset schizophrenia. Dr. Kane and his research team have also collaborated with biotechnology companies in studying genetic vulnerability to the serious side effect that limits clozapine's wider use."
Kane and his team have been salting kids with his favorite roach killer for some undisclosed time already. Kane and crew need to know why drug salesmen can't salt even more kids with his favorite roach killer.
"Dr. Kane's research is also aimed at enhancing the prevention of relapse and rehospitalization, an enormous public health challenge, by identifying and understanding predictors of relapse."
Note the ordering of priorities. Collaborating with biotechnology companies appears before preventing relapse and rehospitalization.
"He and his team have found the single greatest predictor to be nonadherence in taking medication."
50% of all prescriptions for any antipsychotic go unfilled, unfinished, or flushed.
You try drinking a teaspoon of Raid everyday and see what it does for Your outlook.
"Dr. Kane has studied a new long-acting, injectable antipsychotic medication and recently secured NIH funding to coordinate an eight-site collaborative study with Harvard, UCLA, University of Iowa [Andreasen's tax-hole] and other institutions to examine the potential of long-acting medication to reduce relapse and rehospitalization rates as well as enhance functional outcome in more than 300 patients"
Dr. Kane's research team has also studied the side effects"
SIDE EFFECTS? Like slashing your wrists, or shooting up a campus?
You think I'm Overstating?
Go To: http://www.psychdrugdangers.com and view the FDA reports, drug by drug, of Adverse Events. Bear in mind, that these are only the
instances Reported, to the FDA.
and/or: see appendix B
Back to Kane.
"of long-term antipsychotic drug therapy and recently confirmed a significantly lower incidence of neurologic side effects associated with the atypical class of antipsychotic drugs, also referred to as second generation drugs. They have begun to investigate the apparent increase in metabolic side effects of the newer medications."
Eggo alert. We got a 3 alarm waffle in this last paragraph alone. Tag the side effects under neurologic, metabolic or any other 'ill' ogic you want. The difference here is scatalogic. These drugs cause major league brain damage, and no 'ill' 'ogical' system in a human body is going to function correctly when its being directed by a damaged brain.
Which noxious clump of Risperdal's 1,935 different adverse side effects reported to the FDA's MedWatch program between 2004-2006 might these financially conflicted investigators be investigating? Tardive dyskinisia could be included. It's a very common drug induced neurological impairment causing the CNS malfunctions of Parkinsonism: involuntary muscular spasms formerly seen only in octogenarians. How common is TD? Spring dandelions, anyone?
Thanks to the psychiatric/pharmaceutical axis we now have kids aged 5 and younger cursed for life with a contorted leer that earns them derision and abuse from their peers, agony from back spasms and worse, and in many instances all for the unspeakable crime of acting withdrawn, surly, or horror of horrors, these little tykes might have let slip that he or she actually talk and play with their imaginary friend.
But Kane and crew have 'begun to investigate.'[ie: more clinical trials/poisonings and even more crippled children] ... on NIH [everyone else's] and poison manufacturer's [Medicare and Medicaid funded (still everyone else's)] money.
The sole truly significantly different incidences of neurologic side effects in second generation anti-psychotics - atypicals – versus first generation anti-psychotics [like Haloperidol] is the neurologic shock the victim's relatives receive when they get the bill. The newer stuff costs 20 to 30 times more. As for the 'children and adolescents' themselves, the newer stuff if every bit as likely to turn them into suicides, cripples, or killers as the older, cheaper stuff is.
In the [FDA] approval letter to Janssen regarding their drug Risperdal, the FDA specifically stated:
"We would consider any advertisement or promotion labeling for Risperdal false, misleading or lacking fair balance under section 502(a) and 502(n) of the ACT if there is a presentation of data that conveys the impression that Risperidone [Risperdal] is superior to haloperidol (a general antipsychotic) or any other marketed antipsychotic drug product with regard to safety or effectiveness." [cited in Allen Jones Full Whistle Blower report: page 5]
Would you drop a dime on this above page? Because just like hungry, stray. mouthfoaming dogs, this page and it's ilk aren't going away on their own so long as we keep setting out multi million dollar bowls of our own tax money, directly from NIH, and indirectly through Medicare and Medicaid fraud, to feed them.
And BTW Johnny: just in case you missed the Rob Reiner reference:
Haloperidol/Haldol was sicked on Andrea Yates by Muhammud Saeed, who then yanked her off it and 10 days later onto 133% of the recommended max of Effexor, AND Remeron. Haldol withdrawal's super-sensitivity psychosis combined with the Effexor/Remeron mix [Effexor and Remeron together are commonly referred to as 'Rocket Fuel'] grabbed her by the
throat, and 2 days later Andrea drowned her 5 children. Andrea had already, earlier on, been poisoned with Risperdal, Zyprexa, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, and Cogentin. [Cogentin is used to mask emergent symptoms of TD caused by anti-psychotics] In 2041 when Andrea's 77 she'll be eligible for parole from the prison psych ward where she's now being poisoned from the same shelf of 'medications' that led her to drown her children, one by one, in the bath tub.
7 yr. old Noah Yates was last to die. The tub water contained the feces, urine and vomit of his three younger brothers and baby sister. Andrea held him face down. Noah broke the surface twice.
"Mommy I'm sorry. I don't know what I did. I'm sorry." Noah
spluttered as his mother forced him back under.
And Andrea will be reliving it all, with every breath she takes. Her husband divorced her and remarried. For company she has the other inmates and her daily poisoners.
But there's nothing to see here folks, just move along. Everything's fine now. Everyone's mental health will improve. The psychiatrists have 'begun to investigate', with Risperdal, Effexor, Remeron, Zyprexa, Seroquel [Haloperidol isn't profitable enough anymore] and oh yes, Clozapine.
It took me 114 pages to find Andrea's story. 113 of those pages got it wrong. The Science, not the Psychiatry, but the Science of the indisputable 2+2=4 pharmacology of it is that the GD drugs murdered those children, period, and each and every one of the ignorant, bribe taking, witch doctors who kept pumping all that rat s--t into Andrea deserve be doing 40-50 years apiece as accessories to those 5 homicides.
Why don't I refer to these whatchamacallits as Doctors? Because They refer to themselves as clinical investigators; investigating the bejeezus out of everyone for any atomie of mental illness they can, for profit, tag them with. Detoxing from these 'medications' turns people into gibbering squirrels with the occasional outburst of a cornered badger thrown in for free, and these behaviors prove to psychiatrists that the patient is far more mentally ill than they'd first thought, and needs to go back on Risperdal or whatever, immediately.
Voilá: birth of the tax/drug co. funded 'medication [non] compliance' study, whose aim is the passing of medication compliance legislation.
"If you stop taking/buying your Risperdal again Johnny, we'll get a Court Order and inject a long acting supply of it, or implant it under your skin."
With this treatment model grade school ADHD [which is a complete hoax] is a slam dunk to become full blown schizophrenia over the course of 30 or 40 years: very profitable years for psychiatrists and drug companies.
So just WHO, do these psychiatrists study, in tax supported universities, to become tax supported psychiatrists in the first place?
Modern psychiatry's ideological Titans.
When Carl Jung wasn't busying himself with alchemy, astrology, abusing his wife, mistress, and everyone else within reach he took a moment to go on record with Hearst's International Cosmopolitan, back in January 1939.
Here's Carl, in his own bootlicking verbosity.
"There is no question but that Hitler belongs in the category of the truly mystic medicine man. As somebody commented about him at the last Nuremberg party congress, since the time of Mohammed nothing like it has been seen in this world. This markedly mystic characteristic of Hitler's is what makes him do things which seem to us illogical, inexplicable, curious, and unreasonable. . . . So you see, Hitler is a medicine man, a form of spiritual vessel, a demi-deity, or, even better, a myth."
In 1945, after this s--t stain finally publicly spoke out to condemn the concentration camps, [it took him till '45 to realize his guy was actually losing] the British Foreign Office wanted to drag him to Nuremberg and try him as a NAZI pseudo-scientist.
Jung was also the nitwit who, along with Eugen Blueler [the 1908 patent holder on schizophrenia] was suckered by one Rudi Schnieder in a seance. Jung and Blueler believed they were communing with 'the other side' when Rudi made a table move and a mist appear in the dark.
For more on this Jung moron, see the book review of Richard Knoll's Aryan Christ, at:
http:// www.catholicculture.org/library/view.cfm?recnum=246
Bluehler's schizophrenia is the afterbirth of Emil Kraeplin's Dementia Praecox. Blueler announced that though he had discovered a new mental illness, He could cure it. This turd in psychiatry's punchbowl earned him a sound rebuke, from psychiatry. Let just one cow out of That corral and there goes everybody else's favorite meal ticket after it. Kraeplin himself wrote extensively on pedophelia, because he was personally drawn in that direction.
Freud's heated cocaine fantasies of infant sexuality, and his own barely suppressed Oedipal urges should be enough to dissuade anyone not already Risperdal brain dead, or suicided, from gagging down more than a page paragraph or two of Dr. Siggy's mental methane.
Ohhh-kay. You can tell a man by the company he keeps. right?
Distinguished Psychologists at Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1909
Those present include (seated, front row): Sigmund Freud, Granville S. Hall and Carl Jung;
(standing, back row): Abraham A. Brill, Ernest Jones and Sándor Ferenczi.
Abraham Brill is noted for introducing millions of women to lung cancer, by popularizing cigarettes for gals with the phrase 'Women's Torches of Freedom." Abraham Brill is not noted for anything else.
Ernest Jones is noted for two run ins with the law, first in 1906 and then again in 1908. Both involved Ernest involving himself in improper sexual behavior, with young children.
Sandor Ferenczi is noted for his work in childhood sexual abuse, the break that work eventually occasioned with Freud, and not much else beyond preparing future psychic hucksters to believe that they can actually engage in anticipatory psychic transferrence with their victims.
Gee, Do you think perhaps Bob Spitzer who 'just didn't know what the hell to do with his victim's messiness' was a fan of Ferenczi?
Come on people: These jackasses couldn't find a bologna sandwich at a lunch counter. On a diet of their swill, and its following imbiber's acid-reflux, what follows should come as no surprise.
Psychiatrists (California) Disciplined by a State Medical Board
American Journal Of Psychiatry 2001; 158:474-478
James Morrison, MD Theodore Morrison, M.P.H.
"Among 584 disciplined physicians, there were 75 (12.8%) psychiatrists, nearly twice the number of psychiatrists among
nondisciplined physicians. Female psychiatrists were underrepresented in the disciplined group. Psychiatrists were significantly more likely than nonpsychiatrist physicians to be disciplined for sexual relationships with patients and about as likely to be charged with negligence or incompetence. The disciplined group included significantly more psychiatrists who claimed child psychiatry as their first or second specialty and significantly fewer psychoanalysts."
"Dehlendorf and Wolfe [JAMA 1998; 279:1883-1888] reported that child specialists were disciplined for sex-related offences to about the same extent as were other psychiatrists, whereas in our study they were nearly three times more at risk. ... If our finding turns out to be valid, we have no adequate explanation for it."
Risperdal itself turns out to be a sexual predator. It kills more geriatric women than men.
Google Freud, Kraeplin and Jung. Spend some time with these characters, and find out just who they, and the 76 trombones worth of out of tune, brandied fruitcakes who followed them, actually were. Actions speak louder than theories and numerous pages of plaudits from their adherents. Adolph Hitler, on his home turf, was never lacking for mobs of adoring sycophants either. Kraeplin was a close friend of Alfred Ploetz and Psychiatrist Ernst Rudin. Both of these A'holes were big wheels in Hitler’s program for Racial-hygiene.
Lager-Nordhausen: brought to you by Wundt, Ploetz, Rudin, Blueler, Kraepelin, Freud, Jung, the Schutzstaffell, und Psychiatrisch.
NAZI is an acronym from the German words National Socialism. What the hell do you suppose government control, through Socialism, of everybody's money, lives, and thoughts, breeds, anyway? FASCISM can be defined as the marriage of govt. to industry.
The US Constitution neither endorses, nor condones, and expressly prohibits anything even remotely reeking of any such concepts.
And speaking of reeking, in Freud's century bathing was a once a week norm. Cocaine, which Ziggy was preternaturally fond of, [so fond of that he pushed enough of it into his friend Marxow to make him psychotic and kill him with it] produces sweat, lots of sweat. Sweat contains salt, which dries, chafing armpits and other areas. Does anyone have a photo of Herr Doktor smiling, in between smoking all those BO masking cigars with his shorts full of dried salt in that heavy business suit? Just go look him up. It doesn't take Nuryev to dance the Nutcracker on this 'forged his own cured patient records'
ballbusting Freud.
As of 12/23/07 Janssen was listed as being sued in app. 250 Federal Court actions between 12/30/03 and 12/07/07 for product liability, personal injury. The number may be growing. Check them out at:
A listing of who, what, where, and WHY is free, but to read the actual shouting match you'll need a paid subscription.
Click: Visit Justia's US Federal District Court Opinions Website, then punch Janssen or any drug company into Justia's search engine. Janssen's Titusville New Jersey plant employs roughly 1000. That's 1 American Citizen crippled or killed for every 4 of these pod-creatures.
How long would GM or Ford remain in business with an average like that?
Risperdal is manufactured in Puerto Rico, not the United States. Perhaps that's because of EPA regs regarding the manufacture of radioactive waste. Yes, Risperdal 'glows in the dark' too.
This following snippet is from the FDA patient handout: buried on page 25 in the PDF.
NDA 20-272 / S-036, 20-588 / S-024, 21-444 / S-008: Final Agreed Upon Labeling
"Suicide attempt was associated with discontinuation in 1.2% of Risperdal -treated patients compared to 0.6% of placebo patients, BUT," [manufacturer weasel speak follows declaiming that 'It Probably Ain't Our Fault']
A 100% increase in suicidal behavior, and these helmet farts sell this pesticide to prevent people from thinking about, talking about, or committing suicide? Withdrawal from any antipsychotic guarantees induction of a super-sensitivity psychosis, with the chorus line from a Night of The Living Dead movie chasing the patient around the room.
Of course the real numbers are far in excess of 1.2% but that's what we get with a bought and paid for FDA under Andrew Von Eschenbach, who by one account, is far more interested in putting the FDA into the business of Producing psych meds than reigning in the pharmaceutical manufacturers it's federally mandated to reign in. If you think that even the FDA is beyond reproach: Risperdal in NOT a controlled substance in the US, but it IS a controlled substance in the United
Arab Emirate's Abu Dabi [population 270,000]
Case No. 07-15345
State of Arkansas vs. Janssen/J&J
Excerpted from the Bailey Perrin & Bailey LLP filing against Janssen on behalf of Dustin McDaniel: Arkansas State Attorney General. McDaniel went out of house, and out of State to get Texas based BPB. Arkansas wanted the best.
Paragraph 56, page 15.
"Risperdal is inherently, abnormally, and unreasonably dangerous. The health risks and costs of Risperdal to the citizens of the State and to the State greatly outweigh any claimed utility of Risperdal. Defendants knew or should have known of the dangers inherent in the use of Risperdal, and that the public and the State would be harmed by Defendants' intended and foreseeable use of Risperdal."
As a direct and proximate result of the deceptive marketing practices of Defendants, Risperdal was and is defective and unreasonably dangerous.
"The defective condition of Risperdal directly and proximately caused Arkansas residents to suffer various Risperdal induced diseases, injuries and sicknesses, and directly and proximately caused the State to expend millions of dollars in order to provide necessary health care to these citizens through its Medicaid, DBHS and DFAEBD programs, thereby directly damaging the State."
And THIS? is what the 'once tagged forever bagged' mentally 'ill' are consigned to? While everyone else has to cough up the Medicare and Medicaid Billions to pay for it? BPB is suing Janssen/J&J on spec. for a $90 Million bounty. No win, no pay. BPB is also suing Janssen/J&J in six other States.
According to Pharma's street level pushers - the psychic woodpeckers knocking up people with their Pharma financed DSM bills - mental illness is forever and incurable: its causes a mystery even unto their own omniscient, State appointed (to cash the kickback check) selves. BUT, these very same peckers have a Pharma paid for 'get out of jail/mental illness free' card.
From the Cal State Auditor's web site:
Ask Google for ("california state auditor") NEAR 2006-116
the URL's too damn long to type in here.
Medical Board of California's Physician Diversion Program:
June 7, 2007: Report # 2006-116
"In order to protect the public, the Medical Board of California
(medical board) administers a diversion program to rehabilitate physicians impaired by substance abuse or by mental health disorders. Outside service providers, such as urine collection monitors and group facilitators, also participate in monitoring and treating participants. Further, several Regional diversion evaluation committees (DECs) determine terms for participating in the program and decide on successful completion of or termination of the program."
Among the Auditors gripes are:
The diversion program obtained only 17 of the 51 reports from participants therapists.
As of July 7 2007 an estimated 400 physicians were purportedly being
rehabilitated/cured at any given time, and as of July 27 2007, the program was working so well that the State announced in true 'Bill The Cat' fashion:
"Aaaargh, just f--k it, we're canceling this dog and pony show on June 30, 2008, because nobody bothers to show up anyway."
The Cal MBC's diversion program has been around for 27 years. It's a model for the rest of the country's 'diversion programs.'
The entire MBC report [it's huge, and an equally huge gagger] can
be had at:
Below excerpted from "ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE" 2006:144:107-115
"Problem Doctors: Is There A System Level Solution?"
Lucian L. Leap, MD and John A. Fromson, MD
"Concerning mental illness, a recent study found a 16% lifetime incidence of major depressive disorders* in the general population. The rate in physicians may be even higher; for example the rate of suicide is 40% higher in male physicians and more than 2-fold higher in female physicians than in the general population.
Estimates of alcohol dependence vary from 8% to 15%, the latter being similar to the 13.5% rate for the adult population. The American Medical Association's estimate for drug dependence is 1% to 2%. The Medical Board of California estimated that 18% of physicians in its state abuse alcohol or other drugs at some point during their career."
*Major Depressive Disorder has 14 separate legally debilitating [$$$$$] flavors in the DSM beginning at 262.20. Put your gas mask on before going to:
Psychiatrists [and general practitioners] can legislatively inflict Risperdal - along with State Police Registration and its attendant debilities, both legal and physical - for anything they damn well choose to yank out of their bribe taking butts, and THIS, presents a big bang matter-antimatter paradox under Sect. 1 of the 14th
Amendment, ie: Equal Protection Under Law.
Physicians either are mentally ill under their own BS-DSM criteria and therefore incurable, or they're not, and neither is anyone else. The licenses of at least 18% of California's physicians have to be revoked, or their DSM has to be revoked.
Legal debilitation of the 'forever mentally ill' is predicated upon the possibility of relapse. What guarantees against relapse - as drunks, dope addicts, DSM whatevers and child molesters - can California's Psychroaches offer to stand bond, that the rest of society - with its cigarettes and insomnia - cannot?
Given the above, is it any surprise that the FDA does have at least 1 report of Risperdal and an encounter with its dispenser inducing Tourettes Disorder?
I cannot overstate the devastation attendant upon the legal debilitation accompanying mental 'illness'. No double jeopary is a key component of freedom. You cannot be tried twice for the same crime. But if you've blundered into the offence of having had anything to do with one of these financially conflicted Psychroaches, and are condemned - and you Will be - for money - as mentally 'ill', you will be on trial, every day, for the rest of your life.
You could just blow it off and get on with life, get married, stay married for 20 years, and have a blow up with your partner one day. One phone call from anyone is all it takes, and you can be slammed into cuffs and a psych ward as having a 'relapse' for any agenda that anyone has at any moment. It HAS happened, and IS happening, all over the country.
Now; to return to the flag bearer of Big Pharma's bottom line herself: the chairperson of the schizophrenia pills sales team: Nancy C. Andreasen.
Nancy also holds a Ph.D. in Renaissance Lit. In 1974 she Vulcan mind-melded with 30 writers at the U. Iowa Creative Writers Whatever, and based on her powers of Freudian and Jungian supra-mentation divined that:
43% of accomplished writers show some form of bipolar brain function.
80% of the writers studied had some form of mood disorder.
Perhaps the Dante Society wasn't funding multi million dollar research and clinical trials the way the NIH was.
Anyway, this show of table knocking she enshrined in her own pop, mini epic 'The Creating Brain'. Enter, Stage Left, Nancy's own DSM. Despite almost 400 billing codes from coffee to schizophrenia, the DSM contains the insidious NOS: meaning Not Otherwise Specified. Psychiatrists all invoke NOS at one point or another.
Even without the prescription pad, NOS requires a patient's chart be written in. NOS requires Ms. Psychiatrist to create the patient's lifelong legal debility and then write it down. Ms. Psychiatrist has just proven that she's as big a fraud as psychiatry itself is, by not only invoking NOS, but by penning 'The Creating Brain', and still not surrendering her license.
It is illegal for anyone to practice medicine if they are mentally ill.
43% of accomplished writers show some form of bipolar brain function.
80% of the writers studied had some form of mood disorder.
If you think I'm stretching a point, try reading Nancy's DSM, especially if you've got insomnia, or you want an excuse to open the window and throw something out along with the admonition "And That, Madam, will be More, than half enough."
A Timeless Question
Carl Jung's hero - Adolph Hitler - was campaigning one morning in a beer hall. Hitler was flummoxed and unable to respond when a patron asked him:
"Did someone shit in your brain and forget to flush?"
These jackalopes from a Firesign Theater album on bad acid are poisoning toddlers and everyone else who falls within reach of their financially conflicted claws. It has to stop, yesterday. Who let this klatch of floating chocolate bars foul liberty's swimming pool anyway?
They're the same, elected, drug financed morons who in the 1997 Texas Legislature voted unanimously to honor the compassionate work in 'population control and applied psychology' of Albert de Salvo: the Boston Strangler.
[Go back to the top and read Allen Jones Full Whistle Blower Report.]
And then start dropping dimes to your own elected, drug financed morons, and raise all blue hell.
Next, stroll on over to Ben Hansen's place at:
Ben knows his stuff, and he's a very funny guy as well.
Poisoning you, your spouse and your kids with Prozac ain't enough for Eli Lilly. Now they want to trash your dog with it too. Ben's got the inside scoop, and much, much more.
Appendix A:
On August 16, 2003, five former psychiatric patients and a social worker went on a hunger strike in Pasadena: asking for proof of this structural brain pathology Nancy's evidence has made a cornerstone for the APA's conception. Here's the quiz they sent the APA.
"WE ASK THAT YOU PRODUCE scientifically-valid evidence for the following, or you publicly admit to media, government officials and the general public that you are unable to do so:
EVIDENCE THAT CLEARLY ESTABLISHES the validity of "schizophrenia," "depression" or other "major mental illnesses" as biologically-based brain diseases.
EVIDENCE FOR A PHYSICAL DIAGNOSTIC EXAM -- such as a scan or test of the brain, blood, urine, genes, etc. -- that can reliably distinguish individuals with these diagnoses (prior to treatment with psychiatric drugs), from individuals without these diagnoses.
EVIDENCE FOR A BASE-LINE STANDARD of a neurochemically-balanced "normal" personality, against which a neurochemical "imbalance" can be measured and corrected by pharmaceutical means.
EVIDENCE THAT ANY PSYCHOTROPIC DRUG can correct a "chemical imbalance" attributed to a psychiatric diagnosis, and is anything more than a non-specific alterer of brain physiology.
EVIDENCE THAT ANY PSYCHOTROPIC DRUG can reliably decrease the likelihood of violence or suicide.
EVIDENCE THAT PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS do not in fact increase the overall likelihood of violence and suicide.
FINALLY, that you reveal publicly evidence published in mainstream medical journals, but unreported in mainstream media, that links use of some psychiatric drugs to structural brain changes."
Here's the letter Nancy's APA returned them.
August 12, 2003
Mr. David Oaks
c/o Stuart Shipko, M.D.
97 W. Bellevue Drive
Pasadena, CA 91105
Dear Mr. Oaks:
I am acceding to your request that I send my response to your letter of July 28, 2003 to Dr. Stuart Shipko.
The mission of the American Psychiatric Association is to promote the highest quality care for individuals with mental illness and substance abuse disorders and their families. In recent years, there has been substantial progress in understanding the neuroscientific basis of many mental illnesses. Research offers hope and must continue.
The answers to your questions are widely available in the scientific literature, and have been for years. I suggest you begin your review with Surgeon General David Satcher's report, "Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General." In addition, I recommend the Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry (3rd edition), edited by Andreasen and Black. This is a "user-friendly" textbook for persons just being introduced to the field of psychiatry.
A more substantial and advanced series would include The American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.'s "Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry (4th edition)," edited by Hales and Yodofsky. For the latest science, of course, there are the American Journal of Psychiatry and Archives of General Psychiatry, among many other journals which are available in both printed and on-line versions.
These are but a few of the extensive number of scientific publications that answer your questions.
August 12, 2003
Mr. David Oaks, c/o Stuart Shipko, M.D.
Page 2
I share the concern of Rick Berkel of NAMI that your proposed activities are ill-considered and invite you to join NAMI to help improve the care of our fellow citizens who suffer from serious mental illnesses.
James H. Scully, Jr., M.D., Sc.D.
Medical Director
Cc: Michael H. Weinberg
Rick C. Birkel, Ph.D.
Richard Carmona, M.D.., M.P.H., F.A.C.S."
BTW: NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) and their integrity are also underwritten by millions of drug co. dollars.
From: http://wwwgoodworks on earth.org/psychiatricsurvivors.html
Subject: NEWS: Scientists Clash With American Psychiatric Association
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 02:36:06 -0700
From: 'www.MindFreedom.org' :office@mindfreedom.org:
22 August 2003 http://www.MindFreedom.org
Contact: Mickey Weinberg 626-795-5525
E-mail: office@mindfreedom.org
Day Seven of the Fast for Freedom in Mental Health:
Scientific Panel Clashes With the American Psychiatric Association
PASADENA, CALIF.: On the seventh day of a hunger strike by six psychiatric survivors to oppose human rights violations in the mental health system, the American Psychiatric Association faces a direct and unprecedented challenge from a Scientific Panel of 14 academics and clinicians.
The Fast for Freedom in Mental Health had requested that the American Psychiatric Association provide any specific evidence that 'mental illness is biologically based.'
What happened next surprised and delighted the hunger strikers. Instead of simply rejecting the APA's letter out of hand, the mental health professionals and scientists on the Panel carefully examined the source material listed by Dr. Scully. What the Scientific Panel found were quotations in each book that backed up hunger striker accusations.
For example: '[T]here is no definitive lesion, laboratory test, or abnormality of brain tissue that can identify (a mental) illness' and '[T]he precise causes (etiology) of mental disorders are not known.'
In their reply to the APA [SEE BELOW], the Scientific Panel expressed dismay at 'the contrast between the hunger strikers, who ask clear questions about the science of psychiatry and consciously take risks in the name of protecting the well being of users of psychiatry, and the American Psychiatric Association, which evades revealing what actual scientific evidence justifies its authority.'
The six hunger strikers said they felt triumphant, and look forward to media asking the APA to comment on the Scientific Panel's reply.
The fasters say they will continue to fast until they reach their goals.
Mickey Weinberg, who helped organize the fast, said, 'The condescending and contemptuous letter from the APA is consistent with its historic behavior. The Panelists' response turns the screws on the APA. It's certainly the first time in my memory when psychiatry has felt forced to answer to the demands of psychiatric survivors.'
Romi Sayama said: 'We're pleased to see that the American Psychiatric Association has confirmed that they could not find any evidence either.'
David Gonzalez said: 'Dr. Scully's letter states that 'the answers to your questions are widely available in the scientific literature.' If this is so -- why did he
balk at providing the requested evidence?'
Krista Erickson said: 'The Panelists provided a thorough and challenging response.'
Vince Boehm said: 'It's the lies that bother me. What makes me unable to sleep at night is to think about the psychiatric drugging of infants, even as young as three months. It's incomprehensible.'
David Oaks, director of MindFreedom, said: 'The only two things missing from Dr. Scully's letter are a blatant admission that there is no evidence, and a public apology to all psychiatric survivors. The Scientific Panel's response is magnificent and historic.'
From: office@mindfreedom.org
Support Coalition International
454 Willamette, Suite 216
PO Box 11284
Eugene, OR 97440 USA
To: MedicalDirector@psych.org
James H. Scully, Jr., M.D., Medical Director
American Psychiatric Association
1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1825
Arlington, VA 22209-3901
Dear Dr. Scully:
David Oaks, Executive Director of MindFreedom, has forwarded to us your reply dated 12 August 2003 to the hunger strikers involved in a 'Fast for Freedom in Mental Health.' We are a panel of 14 academics and clinicians who have agreed to review any such reply for scientific validity.
The hunger strikers asked your organization, as well as the Surgeon General of the United States, and the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, to provide:
1. evidence that establishes the validity of 'schizophrenia,' 'depression' or other 'major mental illnesses' as 'biologically-based brain diseases';
2. evidence for a physical diagnostic exam that can reliably distinguish individuals with these diagnoses (prior to treatment with psychiatric drugs) from individuals without these diagnoses;
3. evidence for a baseline standard of a neurochemically-balanced 'normal' individual, against which a neurochemical 'imbalance' can be measured;
4. evidence that any psychotropic drug can correct any 'chemical imbalance' attributed to a psychiatric diagnosis;
5. evidence that any psychotropic drug can reliably decrease the likelihood of violence or suicide.
In your reply, no specific studies of any kind were cited with reference to any of the questions above. You cited three general sources, including the recent Surgeon General's report on mental health and two textbooks of psychiatry.
In examining each of these sources, we found numerous statements that invalidate suggestions that behaviors referred to as 'mental illnesses' have specific biological bases:
_Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General_ (1999) is explicit about the absence of any findings of specific pathophysiology:
p. 44: 'The diagnosis of mental disorders is often believed to be more difficult than diagnosis of somatic, or general medical, disorders, since there is no definitive lesion, laboratory test, or abnormality in brain tissue that can identify the illness.'
p. 48: 'It is not always easy to establish a threshold for a mental disorder, particularly in light of how common symptoms of mental distress are and the lack of objective, physical symptoms.'
p. 49: 'The precise causes (etiology) of mental disorders are not known.'
p. 51: 'All too frequently a biological change in the brain (a lesion) is purported to be the 'cause' of a mental disorder ... [but] The fact is that any simple association -- or correlation -- cannot and does not, by itself, mean causation.'
p. 102: 'Few lesions or physiologic abnormalities define the mental disorders, and for the most part their causes remain unknown.'
In the third edition of _Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry_ (1999), we find similar statements:
p. 43: 'Although reliable criteria have been constructed for many psychiatric disorders, validation of the diagnostic categories as specific entities has not been established.'
p. 51: Most of these [genetic studies] examine candidate genes in the serotonergic pathways, and have not found convincing evidence of an association.'
In Andreasen and Black's (2001) _Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry_, we find, in the chapter on schizophrenia:
p. 23. 'In the areas of pathophysiology and etiology, psychiatry has more uncharted territory than the rest of medicine...Much of the current investigative research in psychiatry is directed toward the goal of identifying the pathophysiology and etiology of major mental illnesses, but this goal has been achieved for only a few disorders (Alzheimer's disease, multi-infarct dementia, Huntington's disease, and substance-induced syndromes such as amphetamine-related psychosis or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome).'
p. 231: 'In the absence of visible lesions and known pathogens, investigators have turned to the exploration of models that could explain the diversity of symptoms through a single cognitive mechanism.'
p. 450: 'Many candidate regions [of the brain] have been explored [for schizophrenia] but none have been confirmed.'
As you are no doubt familiar with these textbooks you cited, you will agree that such statements invalidate claims for specific, reliable biological causes or signs of 'mental illnesses.' In the judgment of the panel members, your reply fails to produce or cite any specific evidence of any specific pathophysiology underlying any 'mental disorder.'
You have also referred us to 60 volumes of _Archives of General Psychiatry_ and 160 volumes of _The American Journal of Psychiatry_. The 28 July 2003 cover letter from the hunger strikers and panelists that they sent to you by certified mail stated:
'We are aware that research studies can run to thousands of pages. Therefore, please respond only with those studies that you consider the best available in support of your claims and theories in a timely way. When responding with evidence, please send citations for the original publications or copies of the publications you are citing.'
Like you, we are familiar with the material found in these journals. It is understandable why you did not provide any citations. There is not a single study that provides valid and reliable evidence for the 'biological basis of mental illness.'
The members of the panel wish to make some further observations which we hope will assist the American Psychiatric Association to present an honest scientific stance with respect to the hunger strikers' questions.
In the panel's view, the questions posed by the hunger strikers are serious and fair. These questions are legitimate questions that any patient or family member or interested person might ask of any psychiatrist, or a student might ask of a professor. The panel was therefore quite dismayed that you, as Medical Director of the world's largest, wealthiest, and most resourceful psychiatric association, could not provide a more specific or substantial response than the equivalent of, 'See our textbook.'
If, as you state in your letter, 'the answers to [the above] questions are widely available in the scientific literature, and have been for years,' then it behooves your organization to make these answers and their specific sources -- if they differ from the quotes we present in this letter -- available promptly.
The panel members could not help but notice the contrast between the hunger strikers, who ask clear questions about the science of psychiatry and consciously take risks in the name of protecting the well-being of users of psychiatry, and the American Psychiatric Association, which evades revealing what actual scientific evidence justifies its authority. By not giving specific answers to the questions posed by the hunger strikers, you appear to be affirming the very reason for the hunger strike.
Fred Baughman, MD
Mary Boyle, PhD
Peter Breggin, MD
David Cohen, PhD
Ty Colbert, PhD
Pat Deegan, PhD
Al Galves, PhD
Thomas Greening, PhD
David Jacobs, PhD
Jay Joseph, PhD
Jonathan Leo, PhD
Bruce Levine, PhD
Loren Mosher, MD
Stuart Shipko, MD
The hunger strikers endorse the scientific panel's statement.
Appendix B
FDA AER numbers. SA indicates Suicide Attempt and H indicates Homicide. Not Homicide Attempt, Homicide. The numbers of completed suicides and homicides are also available at:
WARNING: If you're taking any of these drugs, and these numbers make you queasy, seek competant, professional medical help before dropping them. Quitting cold turkey can be far more dangerous than just staying on them.
Risperdal: 1,935 Adverse Reactions SA H
Zyprexa: 2,962 Adverse Reactions SA H
Seroquel: 1,656 Adverse Reactions SA
Prozac: 1,817 Adverse Reactions. SA H
Xanax: 1,356 Adverse Reactions SA H
Zoloft: 2,194 Adverse Reactions SA H
Abilify: 1,182 Adverse Reactions SA H
Ritalin: 1,195 Adverse Reactions SA H
Geodon: 1,366 Adverse Reactions SA H
Celexa: 1,658 Adverse Reactions SA H
Wellbutrin: 1,773 Adverse Reactions SA H
Strattera: 1,878 Adverse Reactions SA H
Lexapro: 1,886 Adverse Reactions SA H
Cymbalta: 1,989 Adverse Reactions SA H
Depakote: 1,994 Adverse Reactions SA
Lamactil: 2,233 Adverse Reactions SA H
Tegretol: 2,270 Adverse Reactions SA
Effexor: 2,356 Adverse Reactions SA H
Paxil: 2,497 Adverse Reactions SA H
Neurontin: 2,672 Adverse Reactions SA H
Adderall: 819 Adverse Reactions SA H
Will Rogers was once called to task for continually giving politicians hell.
"I don't give politicians hell." he replied. "I just tell the truth about them and they Think it's hell."
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